Optico Fiber Acceptable Use Policy

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Use of Critical Hub Network’s Optico Fiber and related services (Services) is subject to the following Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). In addition to complying with our Terms of Service, you agree not to use or allow third parties to use the Services provided to you for any of the following purposes:

• To use any Optico Fiber equipment for anything other than its intended purpose.

• To violate or encourage the violation of the legal rights of others.

• For any unlawful, invasive, infringing, defamatory, or fraudulent purpose.

• To intentionally overload systems or distribute viruses, worms, trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes, mailbombing, flooding, broadcast attacks or other items of a destructive or deceptive nature.

• To use the services for non-consumer purposes.

• To use the services for commercial purposes.

• To operate servers for commercial purposes. However, personal, non-commercial use of servers that complies with this AUP is acceptable, including using virtual private networks (VPN) to access services in your home and using hardware or applications that include server capabilities for uses like multi-player gaming, personal video-conferencing, and home security, provided that it does not generate consistent, high volume, non-typical traffic levels for a consumer grade service.

• To generate or facilitate sending unsolicited bulk commercial email via the services.

• To stream data for commercial or non-consumer purposes. Personal, consumer streaming is acceptable provided that it does not generate consistent, high volume, non-typical traffic levels and non-typical monthly transfer quantities.

• To make the services available to anyone outside the household and/or property to which the services are delivered, to resell the services directly or indirectly, except as explicitly approved by Critical Hub Networks in writing, or to create substitute or related services through the use of or access to the services (for example, to provide wi-fi services to third parties outside of your residence).

• To interfere with the use of the services or the equipment used to provide the services by customers or other authorized users.

• To alter, disable, interfere with, or circumvent any aspect of the services, including but not limited to security features of the services.

To violate system or network security violations, including but not limited to forging of any TCP-IP packet header or any part of the header information in an email or newsgroup posting.

Your failure to comply with the AUP may result in suspension and/or termination of the Services. Critical Hub reserves the right to modify this AUP at any time.


652 Hipodromo Street
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907

PO Box 11278, San Juan PR 00910-2378 


Optico Fiber Desk: 787-957-6000
Customer Service: 787-728-9790
Billing department: billing@criticalhub.com
Technical Support: support@criticalhub.com
Lifeline inquiries: